Page 2 - ENEW- June 2021 edition
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The Kings and Queens

         DG Elect Anthony’s  Message   FVDG Elect Ingrid’s Message

         Greetings  to  our  District  20-K1                    My Fellow Lions and Leos,
         Lions and Leos.
                                                                Thank you for all the great ser-
          We  are  approaching  the  latter                     vice projects that you have
         phase  of  this  year’s  unique                        been doing around the district
         Lionistic  journey.  Recently,  we                     and for the tremendous sup-
         concluded  the  MD  20  State                          port to the St Vincent La Sou-
         Convention where   we elected                          friere Disaster Relief project.
         our leadership for the upcoming                        As we began to slowly return to
         year, July 2021 thru June 2022.                        life in the new normal, please
         Our  congratulations  are  ex-                         continue with caution and safe-
         tended  to  our  1   and  2   Vice                     ty as you serve with kindness,
         District Governors - Elect, Lions   are  continuing  to  evolve.  We   humility, and love.
         Ingrid Andrews - Campbell and   want to
         Antonio Robles respectively.                           We still have a few weeks into    They are uniquely placed to
                                     continue  to  seek  new  and   the next Lionistic year so con-  gather and
         I am honored to be selected to   creative  ways  to  serve,  by   tinue to grow your clubs and   share the information your
         serve our great District as Gov-  expanding  our  membership   look for opportunities for lead-  club needs to plan for the up-
                                                                ership development and start
         ernor and will devote my ener-  and growing our organization.    planning for the new year. De-  coming year. As in so many
         gies  to  advancing  our  District                     spite the pandemic, some    areas of our lives, we antici-
         and  working  to  meet  and  ex-   We  understand  that  may   clubs have continued to thrive   pate a new normal for service
         ceed our goals and objectives.     represent  continued  use  of                   projects, and expect that the
                                     Zoom,  and  hybrid  Zoom  with   as Lions find new means of   fresh thinking happening to-
         We now prepare for a very spe-  some  in  person  activities.    connecting and giving their   day will have a long-lasting
                                                                time and skills to create new
         cial  upcoming  election,  that  of   Our  LCI  service  focus  areas   opportunities for service and   impact on the future of our
         President, of Lions Clubs Inter-  remain  but  how  we  help   advocacy in your community.   clubs.

         national. On Tuesday June 29,   support  those  goals  may   In the coming months, you will   Thank you again for your sup-
         2021,  at  the  103rd.  Annual  In-  change a bit.     be pivoting on how to continue   port. Stay safe as you serve
         ternational  Convention,  we  will                     to support your community and   from a distance!
         witness  the  unfolding  of  a  mo-  As the most diverse district in   of course things will be slightly
         mentous event in the history of   MD20,  we  remain  united  in   different than in the past. So-  Lion Ingrid Andrews-
         Lions  Clubs  International.    Our   kindness  and  purpose.    As   cial distancing and additional   Campbell, PMJF
         very  own  Lion  Douglas  X.   mentioned by our Internation-  virtual events to help keep us   1  Vice District Governor -
         Alexander  will  be  elected  and   al  President  Jung  Yul  Choi   connected will still be a part of   Elect
         recite the Oath of Office, to lead   “we need to be ready to look   the new normal, as we find
         Lions     worldwide    as   at  our  global  community  to   entirely new ways to play a
         International President!    see  if  there  is  work  to  be   crucial role in bringing the
                                     done”.  He notes that we can   much-needed services to our
         This  represents  a  unique  time   stand  together  and  give  help   communities.
         in our District.  We have experi-  where  it  is  needed  most.    I
         enced a number of changes or   look forward to joining you as   Fresh thinking is needed now
                                                                more than ever because Lions
         adjustments  over  the  year,  in-  we  continue  to  serve  here  in   have unique attributes that
         cluding our methods of commu-  District  20-K1,  via  our  com-  make them essential to the
         nication.  We made quick adap-  munity assessments and out-  response that will put them at
         tations from in person meetings   reach to local civic and com-  the heart of restoring societies
         (in  March,  2020)  to  current   munity-oriented   organiza-  and economies, when this
         meetings  via  Zoom,  Google   tions.                  stage of COVID-19 has
         Meets   and   other   digital                          passed. Involve the new mem-
         platforms.    Many  of  our  clubs   Of course, as we go forward,   bers and give them a voice in
         are  emerging  from  the  Covid   we want to continue to follow   your club’s decision-making
         shutdown and preparing for re-  local health and safety guide-  process. Many of our new Li-
         entry  to  the  “new  normal”.  We   lines.            ons are a part of the communi-
         have    experienced  a  redesign   Yours in Lionism     ties they support.  They have
         in  our  service  environment,                           developed a deep understand-
         from hands on and in person to   Lion Anthony Cochran      ing of local needs and the chal-
         virtual.    Though  much  has   District Governor Elect
         changed  in  how  we  serve,  we   2021 - 2022

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