Page 2 - 2021 Mid-Winter Convention & Memorial Service Program
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                                                                                           February 20, 2021

               My Fellow Lions & Leos of District 20-K1:

                                                      I am proud and elated to host this virtual and historic 64th
                                                      Mid-Winter  Convention.   I  extend  a  hearty  “Welcome
                                                      Home” to our highly esteemed, International  First Vice
                                                      President Douglas X. Alexander. Additionally, I express
                                                      a  special,  warm  “20-K1  Welcome”  to  our  illustrious
                                                      Guest Speaker, Lion Dr. Patti Hill, 3rd International Vice
                                                      President  from  Edmonton,  Canada  and  her  partner-in-
                                                      service,  Lion  Greg  Holmes.  And,  of  course,  I  am  very
                                                      excited to greet every Lion here today.

                                                      As  we  gather  virtually,  we  all  recognize  that  2020  has
                                                      been  a  year  unlike  any  other.  We  were  challenged,
                                                      disappointed  and  some  of  us  have  experienced  various
                                                      forms  of  loss.  But  we  are  Lions  who  ROAR...and
                                                      together,  we  learned  how  to  conduct  Club  business,
                                                      fundraise  and  serve...all  virtually  and  safely.  Although
               we’re unsure of what the future holds, we are resilient leaders who will always adapt to change.

               Last year, we lost several Lions who we love.  This assembly will give us an opportunity to reflect
               and mourn together, as one Lion family.  We should use this time to celebrate the lives, diligent
               service and dedication of our dearly departed Lions.  They are gone, but the legacy of their service
               lives on.

               While we memorialize our deceased, we will honor their memory by continuing to serve others.
               The organizing team has been busy creating a series of interesting seminars and workshops.  These
               are specifically designed to sync with the NAMI goals of membership growth, retention through
               satisfaction and leadership development.

               I  look  forward  to  a  productive  Convention,  where  every  Lion  and  Leo  will  be  refreshed  and
               empowered  to  continue  their  Lionistic  Journey  with  “Kindness,  Humility  and  Love  Through
               Diverse Service.”

               Yours in Lionism,

               Jacqueline V. Phillips
               District Governor, 2020-2021

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