Page 7 - 2021 Mid-Winter Convention & Memorial Service Program
P. 7


                            Debunking the Membership Myth        PDG Pauline Francis
               Service Initiatives During a Pandemic, Hunger,    PDG Alvin Brereton
                                            Vision, Cancer….
                                   Leadership During a Crisis    2  VDG Ingrid Andrews-Campbell
                                     Spanish GMT/GLT/GST         PDG Melissa Torres & Lion Esther San Roman
                                     LCIF and Grant Process      PDG Barbara Moody
                                      Mental Health First Aid    Dr. Maureen Cort-Blackson
                   Diabetes: Everyone Deserves Better Health     Lion Mildred Ramirez
               Technology- Tell the World: No Story too Small    Lion Indarjeet Paul & Lion Annette Hinkson-Smith
                      Conflict Resolution – He Said…She Said     PDG Joyce L. Cochran
                                                 …They Said
                        Protocol/Etiquette in Lionism Matters    PDG Veronica Ralph-Munro
               Financial Responsibilities & Obligations of a Club   PDG Ozzie Torres
                           Other Foundation Grants in MD20       Lion Collene Questelles

               Seminars/Workshops Descriptions

               Debunking the Membership Myth -   Presenter PDG Pauline Francis
               This  session  will  focus  on  attracting  and  retaining  great  Lions  through  Diversity  and  Membership
               Satisfaction. Also, how to approach the younger generation and be more innovative as well as debunking
               the Membership Myth and more.

               Leadership in A Crisis - Presenter 2nd VDG Ingrid Andrews- Campbell
               The  real  test  of  leadership  does  not  occur  when  everything  is  smooth  sailing.  Rather,  leadership  is
               oftentimes tested during a crisis. What you are made of, what type of person you are impacts how you
               manage a crisis. A case study of crisis leadership will be examined. This is an interactive session with
               questions and exercises to be completed by the participants.
               A few key takeaways include but not limited to:
                     How not to respond during a crisis.
                     How do we reliably deliver as a leader?
                     Dig deep to engage your team.
                     Control the chaos using the MOSCOW Method.

               Service Initiatives - Presenters PDG Alvin Brereton & Team
               This session  will focus on Service  Initiatives in a Time  of a Pandemic taking care of Hunger, Vision,
               Childhood Cancer, and the Environment.  Each chairperson will make a presentation.

               Spanish/Español GLT-GMT-GST - Presenter PDG Melissa Torres
               A  collaboration  of  GLT,  GMT,  GST  to  strengthen  your  club  and  help  leaders  stay  focused,  and
               motivated.  In this session we will focus on recruitment of new members using proper orientation and how
               to  incorporate  Members  Satisfaction.    Learn  how  to  start  signature  projects  using  Community  Needs
               Assessment during this Pandemic.

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