Page 33 - Enews June 2020 Edition
P. 33

2. Raise your webcam to eye-level

               People tend to put their laptops on their desks during virtual meetings, but
               this often results in webcams being awkwardly positioned with the camera is

               tilted up. We've all been on calls where you're looking up the nose of the

               person on the other end, which can be rather off-putting (and even menacing).

               Ensure your webcam is at eye level so your image will look more natural as if

               you were both sitting across from each other at the same table. The easiest way

               to do this with a laptop is to simply put it on top of a box.

               3. Use a good microphone

               I use a MacBook, and the built-in microphone is pretty good for everyday use,

               but as someone who regularly records meetings with people, I've found that in

               the vast majority of cases, external microphones sound better than built-in

               computer microphones. If you don't want to invest in an external desk mic,
               even just switching to the earphones that come with your phone will create a

               more intimate, conversational sound profile.

               4. Position the conference window near the camera

               You may be tempted to use maximize your conference application to full-
               screen so everyone else's image looks big on your screen. Instead, make the

               conference application as small as possible and position it adjacent to your

               computer's camera. This way, when you look at the video image of the person

               you're talking to within the application, your gaze will not seem pointed

               toward a completely different direction. Try it. You'll see what I mean.
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