Page 29 - ENEWS-November _ Fall 2020 Edition_Classical
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Kings & Queens                                                                       Volume V11, No. 2

                                     MINDFUL MOMENTS


                               OTHER DISTRICT DOINGS

                     CITY OF HOPE                               DIABETES DISASTER RELIEF
                                                 The Diabetes committee has been busy   SPANISH TRANSLATION
          City of Hope is dedicated to making a   preparing Diabetes Disaster Relief packages
          difference in the lives of people with cancer,   for diabetes patients.  We included syringes,   El comite de Diabetes del Districto 20-K1
                                                                                    Leone’s comenzo fundos para un Nuevo
                                                 alcohol pads, glucose tablets, diabetic lotion
          diabetes and other serious illnesses. Our
          mission is to transform the future of health   and a nutrition guide. (see photos below)   projecto de Paquetes de socorro en

                                                                                    causa de un Desastre natural para personas
          care by turning science into a practical
          benefit, hope into reality. We accomplish this   This is an ongoing project and we hope to   diabeticos.
                                                 add more items to the relief packages.

          by providing outstanding care, conducting
          innovative research and offering vital                                    Los paquetes contiene Envases para alco-
                                                                                    hol,locion para diabeticos,Libra de nutric-
          education programs focused on eliminating   The Diabetes Committee also joined with
          these diseases.                        other Lions for The Step-Out ADA Walk.    cion y compromidos de glucosa y Jerin-
          Lions Clubs have been an integral part of the   They raised $225.00
          City of Hope family for more than 62 years.                                 Esto es un Nuevo projecto que con el
          As volunteer leaders, we play a key role in   Any questions please feel free to contact me   tiempo pensamos anadir mas cosas.
                                                 at 718-607-0343
          helping fund development of internationally
          recognized medical and scientific programs.     Thank you,                  Cual quier preguntas me pueden contatar.

          In 2019, the Lions of Multiple District 4   Lion Mildred Ramirez            Mildred Ramirez
                                                 District 20-K1
          embarked on a journey with City of Hope to
          end the war against Diabetes. With a goal of   Diabetes Chairperson       718-607-0343

                                                                                    Persona de la Presidencia de Diabetes
          raising $1 million over 5 years.
          The Lions Clubs Diabetes Innovation Fund w
          ill consist of projects that are diverse in aims,
          with studies identified and prioritized by their
          potential to advance research on type 2
          diabetes and its many complications.

          To donate or for more information about
          the Lions Clubs Diabetes Innovation Fund,
          please visit If your
          club would like to donate with a check, please
          make the check payable to City of Hope and send
          to the address below. Please include your Club's
          name and District along with the donation so that
          we can credit your club..

          City of Hope
          1500 E. Duarte Road.
          Mailstop #32
          Duarte, CA 91010
          Attn: Lions Diabetes Fund

          Please contact Lion Carl Woody if you
          have any questions about City of Hope or
          the Lions Diabetes Innovation Fund.
          Phone: (626)222-7409
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