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  (L to R) Lions Carmen Ramirez- Hackfeld, Pat Virzi and Claudia Kingston
Little Free Library Dedication
The Duncanville Lions - Evening Branch Club dedicated a "Legacy Project" commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Lions Club International on Saturday, May 19th. Located at Lions Park (Duncanville), branch members donated a “Little Free Library” to the community encouraging literacy among all ages. Little Free Libraries are a network of small, house-like
structures about the size of a mailbox filled with books that people can take and read for free.
"To have a Little Free Library that would be accessible to Duncanville Lions Park visitor’s is a fantastic way to celebrate the one hundredth anniversary of Lions Clubs International. It also fits with our clubs motto..... small but mighty", states Lion Carmen Ramirez-Hackfeld (Duncanville Lions - Evening Branch President).
 Let Plano Early Lions Club Show You the Way
So you need a service project. Let Plano Early Lions Club show you the way. Over the past 4 years PELC has been working with the Plano Boys and Girls Keystone Club (older kids) to volunteer with Lions to wash, clean, sort and pack eye glasses for Texas Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center (TLERC) in Midland Texas. These glasses will be used to supply used eyeglasses to Lions and other group missions that provide vision screening and assistance in developing countries across the world. Lion Tom Richardson is in charge and orchestrates these events about 3 to 4 times a year. Over the last 4 years this group of Lions and Boys and Girls have provided over 20,000 pairs of glasses for the needy. They will do 3000 at a time in about a half a day's work. See the operations and steps below. That’s how we Lions know how :TO SERVE
 VOLUME 28 ISSUE 12 / JUNE 2018 PAGE 22

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