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Global Service Team
Thanks to all of the Lions of District 2-X1 for all of your faithful work. I know that your efforts are making a difference in our communities. Please continue to volunteer and make a difference. As a district, we have contributed over 23,000 hours in this Lion year, and we are only half-way completed. Please remind your club secretaries to report all of the hours members are completing, regardless of the task.
We have a club that needs assistance on the 14th of February for an eye clinic. They are a smaller club, anxious to be involved in the community. If you are able to volunteer between 9 and 1 on that day, please contact me.
We have been contacted about a possible fund-raiser for your club. Please see the following information on page 12 of this news letter. Just look for the Shoe Box.
PDG Mark Dean Global Servic Team District Coordinator
(From Lion Fred) Strengthen our District and the Association by sending those names to me at:
And finally, the June 9th, 2018 Lions University will have some exciting additions and changes with new learning opportunities for our repeat attendees. More information will be forthcoming at the Convention and in future Link articles. Mark your calendars.
Zone Chair Training: May 5, 2018 – Collin College Membership Team Training: May 12, 2018 – Collin College Lions University: June 9, 2018 – Collin College
Remember, Trained Lions = Better Lions
       VOLUME 28 ISSUE 8 / FEBRUARY 2018

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