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The International Convention in Las Vegas was well attended and a great experience for those who attended. Newly installed President Gudrun Yngvadottir from Iceland, is the first woman President of LCI. She carries the same motto as last year “We Serve” . Her message is moving membership forward, increasing leadership development, fellowship, helping clubs increase the service. Our first district cabinet meeting was held on July 14. District Governor Keith has outlined our district goals of membership growth, support district charities, promote club excellence and increasing community awareness of what Lions do. All Club Presidents are encouraged to take time to share the LCI and district goals
and form your club goals. It is only the clubs that can actually grow their
membership and service activities. The district can help providing the tools
necessary to implement. Together we can make it happen.
 Our membership campaign is about recruitment, retention and building new clubs. Our membership trend needs to go up compared to last year. Lions centennial challenge is now complete. Starting this year, it is now called Global Service Initiative with focus on Vision, Environment, Hunger, Diabetes and Pediatric Cancer. Youth is still a focus of our service. Clubs are encouraged to participate in at least two service activities.
Billy's Broadcast
1VDG Vinod Mathur
 District 2-X1 started the 2018 – 2019 Lions Year with a great first Cabinet Meeting. We all want to thank the Coppell Lions Club for hosting this event. In August we will go to Kerrville for the First Council of Governor's Meeting from August 2nd – 4th. I will play in the Texas Lions Camp Golf Tournament on August 2nd and all the events surrounding the Council of Governors and the Texas Lions Camp Meetings. We will be with the President of Lions Clubs International Gudrun Yngvadottir in Kerrville for several events. On August 15th the District will have its first meeting of Executive Council for 2018 – 2019 (see pages 8 & 9). I plan to highlight service events at both the District and Club level at each of our meetings. I hope many District Lions will join me at these meetings as we strive to make our service to others greater. Please remember to pay your Lions Clubs International, MD-2, District, and TLC Dues in August. Please contact
 me for any questions or assistance you might need as we go through this 101st Year of service as Lions.
2VDG Billy Ketner

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