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Lion Gloria Mathur Receives Award
At the Council of Governors Banquet Lion Gloria Mathur, President of Dallas Filipino Lions Club received the LCI President Gudrun Women’s Initiative Award. This award was presented for her outstanding effort in establishing the Women’s initiative throughout our district. The presenters, shown in picture, were (left) LCI Past President Frank Moore and to Lion Gloria’s right PDG Debbie Cantrell Constitutional Area Leader New Voices. Lion Gloria will be representing our district next year as the District Team Leader of New Voices – Women’s Initiative.
NEW VOICES - WOMEN’S SYMPOSIUM: Lion Gloria Mathur Team Leader – New Voices – Womens Initiative
Our 1st Texas State Lions Women’s Symposium was a huge success! We had a great audience and was attended very well in spite of overlapping breakout sessions. The title of the symposium was “ Unleash the Power of Service – Women Making a difference”. This program featured interactive panel with trailblazers and networking with other Lion Leaders.
1. OpeningkeynoteSpeaker-Dr.JayaKumar’stopicisWomen&Health–“HealthMatters”.She spoke on Diabetes, the New Age Epidemic and the Rising Incidence of Pediatric Cancers , what can Lions do to spread awareness, prevention and treatment. The panel consist of the following speakers and their topics.
2. Claudia Herrmann (Pres. of AMEP USA ) - Women in Leadership,
3. ReggieCarney(Pres.andCEOLeadershipSolutions)-WomenforaBetterCommunity
4. AnnBadmus(LegalandImmigrationLawyer)–WomennavigatinginaMaleDominated
Industry; Gender Parity
5. Closingkeynotespeaker-PDGLionDebbieCantrell(LCINewVoicesCA-1Leader)wasthe
closing keynote speaker. She spoke on New Voices, the women’s initiative introduced by Lions International President Gudrun Yngvadottir and her Journey as a Lion which was very inspirational and motivating.
The speakers crossed a gamut of demographics, speaking and thinking styles, ages, service functions as well as health matters. Their stories were interesting and inspiring. The participants learned that men and women working together can make a difference, for better service, better community, better lives!
At the MD-2 Lions Convention at Waxahachie, TX , Lion Gloria Mathur (District 2-X1) , received the LCI President recognition Service Award on Women’s Initiative – New voices for Diabetes Awareness for State of Texas in collaboration with American Diabetes Association and WalMart Wellness Program. Presenting the award was Past LCI President Frank Moore and PDG Debbie Cantrell , ( LCI New Voices CA-1 Leader ).
LCI webinar – “ Beyond the Horizon and Year in Review “ was aired internationally on June 21, 2019. The Women’s Symposium at MD-2 convention topics and format with panel discussion was mentioned and included the picture above. We’re on the map!!!
   VOLUME 30 ISSUE 1 / JULY 2019

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