Page 12 - Lions Link 7-19
P. 12
On Saturday July 20th, there is a Volunteer Reception Center (VRC) exercise with the City of Carrollton at the Hebron Library 4220 Josey Lane from 10:00 – 4:00. We are needing people to play different roles as they come through the VRC as a test; where this email is a request for Lions in District 2-X1 to help and play as a volunteer. Please let me know if you can attend and when. You can contact me at 214-908-5939 or email: or sign up at VolunteerNow: (
It is important we have a high Lion participation in this exercise since we are the VRC people for the area. This will also be an excellent opportunity for Lions to see, touch and get “hands on” with VRCs so come together as a group.
Dedication of Lioness Statue at the Oak Cliff Founders Park
Lion Nia Mackay Dallas Oak Cliff
At the 75th anniversary of the Oak Cliff Lions Club, October 30th, 2004, PP Lion John Dodd donated a bronze lion statue to stand sentry over the Club’s Time Capsule at Oak Cliff Founders Park. This lovely section of the park stands on a slight hill and serves as a gateway into Oak Cliff from downtown Dallas. On Saturday morning, June 22, 2019, 15 years later, a Lioness statue was placed across the walking path from the lion to convey that men and women are ‘Working Together,’ to serve the world in Lionism.
PP Lion John Dodd kicked off the event at 11 AM with around 56 Oak Cliff Lions and guests present. Sheriff Marion Brown gave the keynote address, along with other honorable speakers Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson, Dallas Councilman Chad West, DISD Board Trustee Ben Mackey, and David Dunigan, each highlighted the important roles of women in society which have changed the community locally and globally. The statue unveiling was lead by the OCLC President Lion Anastasia Semos-Shelton along with 1st VP Diana Ezzell, 2nd VP Paul Nielsen, 3rd VP Dr. Nia MacKay, PDG Lion Darla Wisdom, and PDG Lion Julia Johnson. The ceremony was closed by a song ‘Lions serving the World’ sung by Kristina Semos.
L-R: Dallas Councilman Chad West, Lions Senada Rustic, Diana Ezzell, Paul Nielsen, and Nia MacKay, DISD Board Trusty Ben Mackey, Sheriff Marion Brown, Lions PP John Dodd, PP Rich Buickerood, PP Charlie Tupper, Anastasia Semos-Shelton, PDG Julia Johnson, and PDG Darla Wisdom.