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Coppell Celebrates Their 36 Years of Service
2019 Awards and Installation of Officers Banquet of the Lions Club of Coppell happened June 17th at The Four Points Hotel North with Past Council Chair Ernesto" TJ" Tijerina as the Guest Speaker and Installing Officer. New member Jack Carpenter was welcomed into the club and several awards was handed to outstanding and service committed Lion members. A year in review video was viewed and the Grace Hula Dance Company performed and entertained everyone.
  Leo Sponsor Lion Julie Madden, Louilla Mascarenhas, Leo of the Year Isabel Mascarenhas, Lion Kevin Mascarenhas and Leo sponsor Lion Dan Madden.
Lion Coppell officers for 2019 - 2020
Web Master - Fred Conger, Tail Twisters- Stan Lockett and Jim Dark, 2 year director- Kelly Dark, Treasure - Tim Higgins, Past President - Alice Conway, 1 yr Director-Kevin Mascarenhas and PDG Bill Smothermon, President- Alice Decker, 1st Vice President-Ron Harrison, 2nd Vise President--Luis Martinez, Membership Chairman - Julie Madden, Secretary- Peggi Smothermon, Marketing- Margaret Meek, Director Emeritus-Bill Wescoat, 2 year Director-Tim Decker, Director Emeritus - Jim Strll
Oprtunities for Youth Contests
Lion Gloria Mathur Secretary Dallas Filipino Lions Club
We did it again !!! The Opportunities for Youth contests attracts some of the brightest students in the state of Texas. These contests are also great opportunities for the Lions of Texas to connect younger generations and inspire them to become future leaders of the Lions of Texas. Our District 2- X1 contestants won on two categories. (Pictured L-R) Dennis Espiritu sponsored by DFLC was the 3rd place winner for the Diabetes Awareness Essay Contest. Our contestant for Outstanding Youth Award was Jiya Thomas sponsored by Irving DFW Indians Lions Club. Joel Kattady sponsored by Irving DFW Indian Lions club, was the 2nd place winner for the Drug Awareness Speech Contest. Congratulations to all District 2-X1 contestants in Texas State Opportunities for Youth Contest.
Coppell Lions of the Year PDG Bill Smotherman and Alice Decker
   VOLUME 30 ISSUE 1 / JULY 2019

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