Page 2 - Lions Link 6-19
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As we approach the last month of this year, it is time check in if we have achieved our goals that we said we will accomplish. Our membership has shown growth by 20 members and one new club has been formed. Over 53 clubs have participated in club activities. Basically, our district has been vibrant throughout the year. Congratulations to DG Keith for moving the district forward. Attended two fund
raising events hosted by Dallas Everest Lions and Dallas Filipino Lions Clubs. Impressive events by these vibrant clubs.
MD-2 State conventions starts today at Waxahachie. Our district is hosting this major event and I have been part of the planning committee. All Lions are invited to attend
Billy's Broadcast
1VDG Vinod Mathur
The MD-2 Convention in Waxahachie was a great success. Council Chair John Landrum and PDG Mark Dean led a great team that planned and executed the Convention events. Our District looked great thanks to our leaders and all our District 2-X1 Lions who worked so hard to make the
Convention outstanding for the rest of the MD-2 Lions and guests. Our District
leaders have done a great job in 2018 – 2019. We all want to thank District 2-X1
Lions for their support and most of all for doing so much to meet the needs of
others. That is the true success that all Lions work for.
2VDG Billy Ketner
VOLUME 29 ISSUE 12 / JUNE 2019