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2018 – 2019 District 2-X1 Executive Committee
District Governor Keith Murray (Daughter Lion Karen) Irving Noon Day Lions Club 979-492-7310 CL
1st Vice District Governor Vinod Mathur
(Lion Gloria)
Dallas Filipino Lions Club 817-430-2546 HM
2nd Vice District Governor Billy Ketner Sachse Lions Club 972-414-9922 CL
Cabinet Secretary Karen Johnson Wylie Evening Lions Club 972-793-4144 CL
Cabinet Treasurer John Stare (Bonnye)
Irving Noon Day Lions Club 9720-824-8862 CL
By District Governor Keith Murray
Thanks to all that attended the MD2 State Convention last weekend in
Waxahachie. We had a great turnout from our District. Most of the Committee, under the leadership of Council Chair John Landrum, was from our District. Many thanks to PCC Joe Montag, PDG Mark Dean, PCS/T Danny Fletcher, 1st VDG Vinod Mathur, 2nd VDG Billy Ketner, 2nd VDGE Esmeralda Rodriguez, IPDG Henry White, PDG Darla Wisdom, Lion Iris Smith, Lion Laurie Mosley, Lion Kathy Rodrigue, Lion Gary Fowler, Lion Cyndie Bunker, Lion Gloria Mathur, Lion GLT Fred Conger, Lion Gary Coffee, Lion Kenneth Denny, Lion Marcus Armstrong, Lion PCS Tommy Worthy, and the staffs of the Civic Center and the Visitors Bureau. Many of our district Lions also volunteered and helped throughout the 3 days. I know I have missed some names and apologize! So many of you stepped up to help and a big Thanks to all of you. We received many nice compliments about the overall convention. I am proud of District 2-X1.
At the Convention PCC T J Tijerina was selected as the International Director Candidate for Texas. Unfortunately, he has been asked to step back a year and run in Singapore in 2020. We will still support him in Milan un July at the International Convention.
Several new Lions members were inducted by Past International Presidents J Frank Moore and Jimmy Ross during the Saturday evening banquet. We need you to bring in new members so we can continue to be one of 5 districts with a positive membership growth. Also make sure you have entered your activities into MyLCI so we can show the world all the good works done in 2-X1. As you induct your new officers for 2019-2020 don’t forget the newer positions of service, membership and leadership chairs for your club. Take a look at the Club Administrator position if you need help in entering all the projects. The LCIF Coordinator is a key to the future of our Foundation. (Continued Page 15)
VOLUME 29 ISSUE 12 / JUNE 2019
Keith's Komments