Page 24 - Lions Link 4-19
P. 24
2018-19 District 2-X1 Outstanding Youth and Speech Contest Winners
The Coppell Lions hosted the District 2X-1 Lions Speech and Outstanding Youth contests for Juniors and Seniors on March 9th at the First United Methodist Church of Coppell. The speech topic was " Be the change you want to see in the world".
Joel Raju Kattady won the Speech Contest ($1000 college scholarship). He is a junior at Cistercian high School and was sponsored by the Irving DFW Indians Lions Club. Jiya Thomas won the Outstanding Youth Contest ($1000 scholarship)
and took second in speech ($500 scholarship).
She is a senior at Plano Senior High School planning to attend UTD and was sponsored by the Irving DFW Indians Lions Club. The winners have advanced to the State Contest on June 1, 2019 to compete for additional prizes. It’s great to be a Lion.
Sitting (L to R) Joel Kattady (1st place Speech Contest), Asim Adhikari, Jiya Thomas (1st place in Outstanding Youth and 2nd place in Speech Contest). Standing (L to R) Lions Tom Garriss, PDG Skip Johnson, Lynn Garriss, Peggi Smothermon, Cindy Kloske, Dr. Abdul Rasheed Lion Mindy Helsley
Coppell High School Leo Club hosts AIDS Supper Club
Lion Dan Madden Coppell Lions Club
The Coppell High School Leo Club secured a Leo Service Grant from Lions Clubs International Foundation for their AIDS Supper Club service project. The project involves providing meals and social support to individuals and families living with AIDS/HIV. The Leos plan the menus, shop for the food, and prepare the meals in Leo homes. The Leos then deliver the meals to the Hillcrest
residential facility associated with AIDS Services of Dallas, serve the meals, provide social support for the residents, and clean up after the meals are served. The residents have very low income, and food insecurity. The project will cover Sunday meals on 5 occasions for the 65 residents at the facility, and will run from December 2018 until April 2019.
The project has been a great success so far. “Our club members really enjoy the challenge of budgeting, shopping, and preparing meals for the 65 residents once a month”, said Isabel Mascarenhas, Coppell High School Leo Club President. “Serving the meals and providing social support for the residents at the Hillcrest House has been a very worthwhile experience.”
(L-R) Coppell High School Leos Melissa Lucena, Jenny Vu, Isabel Mascarenhas, Neha Yerramreddy and Kei Mashimo