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Presentation of Life Membership
Lion Jerry W. Wolfe, Dallas White Rock Lions Club
Lion Edward Brown President Dallas White Rock Lions Club
The members of the Dallas White Rock Lions Club, during a ceremony at the Traymore Rehabilitation Center, Dallas, Texas on March 18, 2019, presented Lion Jerry W. Wolfe a Life Membership in the International Association of Lions Clubs.
 Lion Jerry Wolfe, a Lion since May 1, 1970, began his 49 years of continuous service with the Dallas Skyline Lions Club. In October 1992, the Skyline Lions Club merged with the White Rock Lions Club to become the Dallas Skyline-White Rock Lions Club. Lion Wolfe served in every club office in both the Skyline and Skyline-White Rock Lions Club. In addition, Lion Wolfe served as a District 2X-1 Zone Chairman on several occasions as well as the District Cabinet Secretary for District 2X-1. Lion Wolfe is a Melvin Jones Fellow, Jack Wiech Fellow, Texas Lions Foundation Fellow, and a PDG F.X. “Pancho” Luna Fellow. In addition, Lion Wolfe has maintained perfect attendance since becoming a Lion in 1970.
Lion Wolfe is the owner of the Dallas based Casa Linda Fence Company for over 60 years. He and his wife Judith, both grew up and have lived in the White Rock community their entire life. They have 2 adult children.
(L-R) Lions John Joy, Abel Thomas, Emma Abraham, Mathew Abraham, George Joseph, AP Haridas, Dr. Binu, Peter Netto and Neil Stewart (seated) .
(L-R standing) Lions Robert Brewer, Clara Butler, Jetta Hoffman, Jean Thornton, Hayward McMurray, Ed Brown, Jerry Meredith, and John O'Brien. Lion Jerry Wolfe is seated. All are member of the
Dallas White Rock Lions Club.
The DFW LEO CLUB organizes “Diabetes Screening-A1C”
The Stewpot Dallas offers a safe haven for homeless and at-risk individuals providing resources for basic survival needs and opportunities to start a new life. The DFW LEO CLUB organized and sponsored (spending almost $500) a "Diabetes Screening Hemoglobin A1C" project for the clients of the Stewpot Dallas on Saturday March 23, 2019. The project was staffed with 3 Medical Assistants, one Medical Doctor, and volunteers from the Leo Club and Lions Club. The event was very successful as 40 adults were screened for A1C. Along with LEOs/ parents, Lions Peter Netto, John Joy, A.P. Haridas, Neil Stewart and George Joseph also volunteered at the event. They also donated 100 pairs of socks and toiletries for the use of Stewpot-clients.
   VVOLUME 29 ISSUE 10 / APRIL 2019

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