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Oak Cliff Lions at the Earth Day Festival at Cliff Lake
Lion Nia Mackay Dallas Oak Cliff
The Oak Cliff Lions Club was part of the Non Profit Organizations vendors at the Oak Cliff Earth Day Festival, on Sunday, April 15, 2018-a week earlier than the Dallas Earth Day Festival (Friday to Saturday, April 20-22, 2018 at Fair Park). We signed up for this event not only to promote the Oak Cliff Lions Club, but also to informed the community about our ongoing fundraiser to support the LCIF’s program ‘The Lions’ Measles Initiative: One Shot, One Life’ project. The project objective is to collect fund to provide measles vaccination to children in Africa. First VP Anastasia Semos has secured a matching donator, Shelton Water Refining- local water treatment company, who will match the fund collected,
  Lion Paula Craig helps at the booth.
dollar to dollar. The LCIF has 3 other companies (GAVI, UK Aid, and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation) who will match the collected fund.
The festival held at Lake Cliff, sponsored by the Dallas Park and Recreation, filled with various activities, including but not limited to yoga in the park, ‘Run for the Environment’ race, cultural entertainment, ‘Mother Nature Pageant’, ‘Green Man Contest’, and food drive.
Lion 1st VP Lion Anastasia Semos helps at the booth.
 Oak Cliff Truancy Vision Project
After over 2 years of research, planning and preparation, by PDG Wayne Meachum (Pictured below), the first Truancy Vision Project vision clinic was held on Thursday, April 19, 2018, at the Dallas County Truancy Court of Judge Larry Rayford on South Polk Street in Oak Cliff. The clinic was a partnership between the District 2-X1 Lions Sight and Tissue Foundation and the Low Vision Clinic with support from The Oak Cliff Lions Club and Dallas County.
Research indicates that 85% - 90% of students who get involved in the truancy system have undetected and/ or unaddressed vision difficulties. This clinic seems to verify those findings. Of the 14 students whose vision was screened, 13 proved to have vision problems that could be corrected with proper eyeglasses and may be one of the reasons for their absenteeism. The vision exams and the eyeglasses from this clinic are provided free-of-charge through the project.
Lions from the Sight and Tissue Foundation, The Oak Cliff Lions Club, and the Carrollton Evening Lions Club collectively provided over a hundred hours of service to the project. With a vast need for the vision services being provided through this project, additional clinics are planned with the Truancy Courts, one of them will be held on Thursday, May 3, 2018 at the same location mentioned above. We are hopeful that this project will help to reduce the truancy.
Please support this project by volunteering at the clinic or make monetary donation to the LSTF. For more information about Truancy Vision Clinic or to donate please contact Lion PDG Wayne Meachum at or Lion Michelle Metzger (LSTF president) at
    VOLUME 28 ISSUE 11 / MAY 2018

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