Page 19 - Lions Link 1-19
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Coppell Lions Club Does Christmas
The Coppell Lion Club has been collecting cans and toys to help families for Christmas for 30 years. The Club partnered with REMAX reality, Coppell Independent School District and First United Methodist Church in Coppell to put the donated boxes together. They had a successful Christmas food and toy drive for 115 families in need for Christmas in the Coppell area. Each family received food boxes containing canned goods, non-perishable food items, sugar, flour, potatoes and a turkey with a bag of toys for the children. They had a great outreach in collecting can goods and received well over what was needed. Whatever was left over was boxed up and sent to our local food pantry here in Coppell.
There was 30 members of the Coppell Lions Club
helping and delivering the Christmas cheer. Their
Branch Coppell Family Lions Club had 4 of their
families participating. There was one of the local high
school Leo Clubs involved as well as 8 members of the Julie Madden, Dan Madden, and Brad White) REMAX reality group. The Coppell Lions Club sure
knows what Christmas is all about and does it well.
 Wilson elementary 1st graders in charge of collecting 700 cans of food.
(L-R Lions Margaret Meek, Mary Ann Higgins,
 Dallas Founder Does “Operation Santa”
The Dallas Founder Club had a wonderful "Operation Santa" this December 7th. They took 45 kids from Lee A. McShan Elementary School in Dallas Independent School District to the local Walmart Super Center to shop for winter clothes. Each child received $100 to select the clothes they needed. They were so excited and full of Christmas
  PDG Kathleen Tyer helps
joy and thankfulness. Most were migrant children from elsewhere, who've recently come to the U.S. Many thanks for the support from other Lions Clubs, Royce City, Richardson Midday and and Dallas Whiterock and especially the support from Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church with funding and support personnel.
After the Walmart trip they gathered in the auditorium at Lee A. McShan Elementary
and assisted Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church with distributing a $2 bill to each child of the entire student body (over 700 students) of McShan Elementary. The funding came from the Dallas Founder Lions Club and PHPC. They were so excited. A great time was had by everyone. It was a great time to be a Lion.
Lion Ann Lendvay President Richardson Midday Lions Club lends a hand

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