Page 103 - 1948 Wardlaw
P. 103

Mr. Robert B. Vietor is head of science de­ partment.
Other teaching members of the science department in­ cluded Mr. Thomas W. Harrity, Mr. Paul E. Liniak, and Mr. Nicholas A. Metrokotsas.
The Wardlaw mathematics program closely follows re­ commendations of the College Entrance Examinations Board. Algebra, plane and solid geometry, and trigonometry are completed by the eleventh grade, leaving the senior year for more advanced study and for consolidation of knowledge previously gained.
Mrs. Gladys H. Katrausky heads the mathematics depart­ ment. Working with her are Mr. Nicholas A. Metrokotsas, Mr. William E. O’Brien, and Mr. Robert E. Smit|i.
Emphasis at all levels is placed upon the structure of mathematics and upon pattern forms, with greater depth of understanding an essential aim.
With the rapid technological advancement that marks the modern world, mathematics at Wardlaw is considered a significantly vital subject of study.
Sciences are taught at every grade as the school gears its program to keep pace with the advance of science in the world of today.
Chemistry, biology, and physics are offered at high-school level. The school this year for the first time enjoyed the fa­ cilities of the particularly well-equipped laboratories at the new Inman Avenue school. There were separate laboratories for each course, with a greenhouse adjoining the biology room.
Science-oriented seniors also took a “super-chemistry” course offered by Dr. Edmund R. Malinowski, with his doctorate from the Stevens Institute of Technology, and Mr. Robert B. Vietor, department head.
The school was especially grateful this year to contribu­ tions from individuals and corporations, which greatly added to the laboratory facilities.
Mrs. Gladys H. Katrauslcy heads mathematics departm ent.

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