Page 108 - 1948 Wardlaw
P. 108
Compass Points Forward
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by Rill),mi (,. Condon, ‘7(1
Tile day for living lias come to us.
And we mini be good little boys -
To put away our bow\ and arrnw.v
And even our guns if you please.
No one can force you to do such a tiling — You should decide on your own:
People made of plastic very seldom stick.
Their hearts are false and showy —insincerely glowy. Respect for these people is hard to give,
Because, in truth, they really don't live.
Other well-received contributions came from Gary J. Hill, photography; David W. Price, Jr., art; and John E. Bowley, Jr.
Editor Condon (standing) surveys COMPASS copy with Ad viser Alexander McDougall.
Compasses are directional; and this year Editor Richard G. Condon’s Compass pointed forward, with a definitely avant-garde emphasis.
The publication, a compilation of Wardlaw student literary, artistic, and photographic effort, appeared in April.
“Although there was only one issue of the Compass this year,” Condon pointed out, “we worked to make it far superior to what it had ever been before.”
Added his assistant editor, Bruce A. Shear: “The Compass will always need more student con tributions!”
Chief contributors included Condon, Shear, Jon A. Kaufman, Denis G. Quinlan (“aesthetic adviser”), and Peter H. Sanders.
COMPASS Editor Richard G. Condon (left) discusses maga zine with Denis G. Quinlan (right), who furnished most of art work.