Page 111 - 1981 Wardlaw Hartridge
P. 111

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The Production Staff was one of the largest ever this year. “We were very surprised and pleased with the re­ sponse we got from the students. Wc had an exceptionally cooperative staff who worked very hard to produce this play,” stated the student director of the Production Staff, Gina Kazimir. With the help of Mrs. Wilsted, faculty advisor, the staff mounted a massive publicity campaign which proved very successful. By working with the other parts of the Drama Club, the Production Staff was able to make this play one of the most successful ever.
1. PRODUCTION STAFF, LEFT TO RIGHT, BOTTOM ROW: J. Bross, C. Durham, J. Sorger, P. Burgess, SECOND ROW: L. Warren, D. Lewis, C. Embrey, M. Pittis, A. Yoder, M. Reyes, THIRD ROW: L. Charlton, A. Samek, K. Lynch, T. Solondz, S. LeFever, G. Kazimir, FOURTH ROW: C. Vorwerk, E. Koenig, D. MacGillivray, G. Garmise, D. Arkoulakis, A. Gibson, FIFTH ROW: K. Haykal, J. Gaskell, B. Ward, E. Eckert, J. Plutchok, K. Robinson, STANDING: J. Koplowitz, C. Nicora, E. Kossowicz, A. Sadaty, C. Colman, A. Wallis, T. Pogosky, D. Zitner, C. Hancock, D. Donayre, Mrs. Wilsted, M. Samek, R. Rog­
ers, K. Lomnitz, G. Casagrande, S. Riley, J. Butler, E. Conti, M. Glasser, C. Mallin, H. Vlahos, J. Shrager, J. Kenny, J. Le Grand, A. Prasser. 2. Mrs. Wilsted describes plans with Anne Samek and Lorraine Warren.

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