Page 145 - 1981 Wardlaw Hartridge
P. 145
1. Kevin Wyatt towers over a determined Pen nington player. 2. Steve Maxwell floats through the air for the basket. 3. Slam dunk master Kevin Wyatt in action. 4. VARSITY BASKETBALL TEAM, FIRST ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: R. McMurrian, K. Wy att, E. Krampf, S. Maxwell, O. Mayers, SEC
OND ROW: Coach Kovonuk, I. Greene, J. K i m b a l l , D. H a l l , D. L o m b a r d i , T H I R D ROW: Mr. Wuest, J. Glaspy, B. Flynn, G. Boff, Mr. Keur. 5. Captains Eric Krampf and Osborne Mayers along with Coach Kovonuk.
Varsity Hoopsters Fast Break, Tickle Twine, For 17-7 Record