Page 145 - 1981 Wardlaw Hartridge
P. 145

 1. Kevin Wyatt towers over a determined Pen­ nington player. 2. Steve Maxwell floats through the air for the basket. 3. Slam dunk master Kevin Wyatt in action. 4. VARSITY BASKETBALL TEAM, FIRST ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: R. McMurrian, K. Wy­ att, E. Krampf, S. Maxwell, O. Mayers, SEC­
OND ROW: Coach Kovonuk, I. Greene, J. K i m b a l l , D. H a l l , D. L o m b a r d i , T H I R D ROW: Mr. Wuest, J. Glaspy, B. Flynn, G. Boff, Mr. Keur. 5. Captains Eric Krampf and Osborne Mayers along with Coach Kovonuk.
Varsity Hoopsters Fast Break, Tickle Twine, For 17-7 Record

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