Page 151 - 1981 Wardlaw Hartridge
P. 151
1. Top Wardlaw-Hartridge wrestlers meet with Coach Rudnyanszky and Headmaster Prentice Horne before the opening of the state tournament. 2. WRESTLING TEAM, STANDING, LEFT TO RIGHT: J. Gaskell, H. Vlahos, C. Mallin, C. Morong, J. Sorger, D. Moskowitz, J Rempson, J. Plutchok, A. Adams, G. Sendelsky, B. Lackland, L. Rud nyanszky, T. Moore, R. Minard, M. McDou- gall, M. Albano, T. Kopidakis, A. Vlahos, G. Cordasco, E. Goldstein, K. Melchionna, M. Glasser. FRONT ROW: D. Welker, J. Sacks, V. Venezia, P. Prasser, D. Bramson, T. By- leckie, N. Arkoulakis, J. Venezia, B. Leonowicz. 3. Matt Albano attempts to pin
his opponent with a cross face cradle. 4. Barry Leonowitcz applies a half nelson to his Dwight englewood opponent.
Matmen Post Eleven Victories On Way To “Satisfying Season”