Page 26 - 1981 Wardlaw Hartridge
P. 26

The Wardlaw-Hartridge Board of Trustees consists of
30 active members, additional associate members and emeritus members. Three new members have been added to the Board of Trustees this year. They are Benjamin DelVento, Victor Di Leo, and Dr. James Sorger.
One of the Board’s major concerns this year was the selection of a new headmaster. The Board of Trustees appointed a Search Committee to interview and screen over 100 applicants. Dr. Garrett Keating, president of the Board, stated that there was no specific set of require­
ments for the position other than the fact that the candi­ date must be an educator. However, a unanimous decision was required to select a candidate. Dr. Keating added the fact that the new headmaster will be given the ability to set school policy with a large amount of freedom.
In addition to the task of seeking out a new headmaster, the Board also embarked upon a massive fund-raising campaign, the Century Challenge Fund, which is to com­ memorate the 100th anniversary of the school in 1982. Its aim is to raise one million dollars, a large part of which will go to endowments. With the school’s increased enroll­ ment, the funds are needed.
Dr. Keating also voiced the Board’s approval of the increased enrollment this year. The Board feels that Wardlaw-Hartridge is developing into a school of true academic promise. It will be the job of our new headmas­ ter to try to fulfill this promise.

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