Page 163 - 1990 Wardlaw Hartridge
P. 163

 1989-1990 FRESHMEH CLASS OFTICERS (sitting) left to right: Vice-President Samantha Qerhart, President Doug Singlerry, Secretary Dorothy Sood. (standing) left to right: Representa­ tive James Shipley, Treasurer Julie Madsen, Rep­ resentative Jill Selesner
1989-1990 SOPHOMORE CLASS OmCERS (sitting) left to right: Vice-President Jason Kidd, President Jason Dugenio, Secretary Jen Seitz, (standing) left to right: Representative Valerie
ft Pate, Treasurer Jackie Co, Representative Chris Paul.
1989-1990 EIGHTH QRADE CLASS OFFICERS (sitting) left to right: Vice-President Brett Campbell, President Runal Qrover, Secretary Maryanne Qamao. (standing) left to right: Rep­ resentative Jeff Schneekloth, Treasurer Umar Latif, Representative Farrah Samuels

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