Page 239 - 1990 Wardlaw Hartridge
P. 239

 rioni played girl's bas­ ketball for four years at W-H. She served as a tri­ captain this year, noni could always be counted on to get the other girls in aggressive and excited moods before games. Her shooting ability and enthusiasm was always a spark to the team and will be missed.
Christine Malalis
1989-1990 ROSTER
>nt row left to right: Assistant and J.V. Coach
iristiana Maldopoulos, Tri-Captains Christine alalis, Michelle Wright and noni Robinson, Mead )ach Allen Everhart middle row left to right: lissa Maynard, Beth Quidin, Jen Edisis, Carme- 1Malalis, Jackie Co back row left to right: Dana llis, Jen Warnicke, Valerie Pate, Patty Lee, Laura )ran
noni Robinson
Like rioni, Christine played basketball for four years at W-H serving as a tri-captain this year. Christine was best known for her outstanding nev- er-give-up defensive hus­ tle. It could be assured that wherever the play was, Christine would be there. Her aggressive hustle, drive and hard- nosed defense were valu­
able assets to the team.

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