Page 25 - 1920 Hartridge
P. 25

 I^'oiirth: Margaret Ailing lca\’es her quietness to Marion Ruth Evans and Caroline Stevenson.
h'ifth: Katherine h'ite leaves her untidy appearance to Helen Rice and Eleanor Tappan.
Sixth: Katharine Shellaharger lea\'es her scrupulousness to Katherine
Seventh: Ruth Tubby leaves her simple and nundike hair dress to
Miriam Rode.
Itighth: Dorothy (dsland leaves her athletic ability to Helen Wyckoh
and Cirania Knott.
Ninth: Margaret Hanson lea\’es her regular and punctual a!tendance to Cornelia I.ylc.
renth: Marian Ailing lea\es he’ conventionality to Hddegarde
Eleventh: Helena Simkho\itch leax'es her mature and blase air to Jane Hull.
d'wellth : Ciertrude Belcher leaves her modesty to Caroline Butterfield.
Class Prophecy
In 193'; I was in the midst of a tour of the battle-fields, when 1 re­ ceived an inxitation from the Countess Xronla to visit her chateau in the outskirts of Paris. Before her marriage with Count Xronla, she was
Katharine Shellaharger, president of the famous class of ’20 from the Hartridge School, which contained such an unprecedented number of celeb­ rities. Twondered how Katharine enjoyed being a leading factor in French
society, but 1 was sure that her training as the president of the Athletic Society would enable her to vault easily over many seemingly insurmount­ able situations.

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