Page 56 - 1920 Hartridge
P. 56

 Kathleen Millay left Vassar at Christmas time and is now livdng m Greenwich \hllage.
Constance Warnock, Charlotte Hawes and Esther Strong are Sopho­ mores at Vassar, and Julia Taylor is a Sophomore at Smith.
The Freshmen in \Tssar are Anna Frazar, Marjorie Meigs, Mar­ garet Taylor, Dorothy Frost, Catherine Stockwell and Frances Miller.
\ irginia Merrill is a freshman in Smith and is a member of the Student Council.
We have the honor of announcing the following engagements: Elisa­
beth Brown, to James Nelson Ramsey; Elizabeth Burke to William
Strong; Helen Founsbery to Herman Clark; Dorcas Bomann to Robert h. De Graff; Albertine Osius to Milton Cosgrove.
And the marriages of; Janet Van Vliet to Guy Fyman; Dorothy Burke to Henry Marshall; Eva Stewart to Harvey Schaffer; Dorothy Jewett to Paul McKee; Helen Terry to Frederic Mygatt; Katharine Drayton to
John \aliant; Foulse Fox to Richard Connell; Dorothy Tremaine to Robert Norris Kempton; Virginia Fox to Edward Eyre Hunt, the author
of ‘AVar Bread” ; Caroline Ross to George Herbert Dockstader.
Born to; Priscilla Fraker Ackerman, a son; Amy Dale Hopkins, a daughter; Aline Huff, a son.
Fast spring Miss Hartridge gave a baby party for babies of the Alumnae living in Plainffeld. The children
a wonderful time, and were it not for the fact that no two babies
would sit still at the same moment, there would be a snapshot In here now, showing what really remarkable babies the School’s grandchildren all are.
G race AF Robinson.
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