Page 55 - 1920 Hartridge
P. 55

 Louise Earle works in the Community House in Plainfield. Kate Bomann is winning golf tournaments, as usual.
Margaret Stanley-Brown is studying to be a surgeon at P. S. in New York.
Ruth Stanley-Brown is with the the MacMillan Company.
Bessie Jewett has sailed for Japan.
Edith Mellick is studying music in Paris.
Dorothy Par\ in has gone abroad as secretary to Miss Seward, who is A\'ith the Bankers "friist Company, in Paris.
Lilian hawcett is taking a course at Columbia.
.\dele De Leeuw is engaged in her father’s office, and we also hear that she is continuing her poetical career.
Christine Claybrook and Betty \\hdlace are taking a secretarial course.
Mary Phelps is studying kindergartening at the Froebel League in New \’ork.
There are four Hartridge girls who graduate from college this year: Sarah Carxalho, Barbara \"an \diet and l.ucille Martin, from Vas­ sal'. and Marian Frost from Bryn Mawr.
Marian T'rost has been getting very high standards, especially in modern languages.
.Alice Joy, a Junior at Wellesley, has this year been made a member of the Shakespeare Club, business manager of the Wellesley Intercollegiate
Debate Team, and captain of her class hockey squad.
Saidee Sanford, Jacksonia Watt and Dorothy McKenzie are Juniors at Vassal*. Saidee has upheld her record at Hartridge by being on the class hockey and basketball team, and manager of the track team, and
Dorothy’s realm of activity is dramatics.

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