Page 53 - 1920 Hartridge
P. 53

ately the Hoor was crowded with dancers. During the intermissions many went out to promenade on the porch, and usually stopped on their way to get some punch; others remained in the auditorium and talked to Miss
I lartridge, or joked together in a lively strain.
I weh'e dances had quickly passed in like manner; twelve intermis­
sions had been spent in strolling on the porch, and then the guests, glad of a short pause, were served with ice cream and cakes, delightful refresh­ ments on that warm June night. It was not long, howe\’er, before the
music began again, and those eager to dance returned from the porch and halls where they had been sitting. 7'he evening Hew along, and the clock was already pointing to a late hour, when a facetious pianist struck up “Good-night, ladies,” and the guests began to lea\’e the auditorium, each with a parting word of thanks for Miss Hartridge.
One by one the waiting carriages and taxis drove away; the Hartridge School bus had left and returned again for another load. Gradually the lights went out in the school building, and the surprised spirits of the desks and school books dared to go about once more, d'hat last day of the school
year had indeed been the climax of all events. We all had enjoyed our­ selves thoroughly, and were all well pleased that Miss Hartridge had again resumed her custom of gi\ ing us the June Dance.

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