Page 66 - 1920 Hartridge
P. 66

 popular, for all babies were in demand. The older children were inclined to shyness at first, hut the small babies were highly delighted at the careless way in which they were handed from one girl to another to have their pink botvs admired and their ruffles and tucks adored. Even the aforesaici girls tvho simply detested babies appeared slightly interested in the squeaks
and giggles of amused infants, who, for some reason, refused to act the part of whining, horrible little creatures. Refreshments, served from a most exciting little table under the trees, helped to rouse the spirits of shy little boys and girls, and after the solemn rite of eating the ice cream and cookies, games of hall and hide-and-seek, and games of just romping and laughing went on. Girls in pink organdy, or yellow voiloC chased little hoys in blue and white sailor suits, or gra^'ely admired and praised the dolls of little girls in white muslin dresses, whde Miss Hartridge and a crowd of mothers and grandmothers walked about the lawn, and appar­ ently had implicit faith in our knowledge of looking after the children.
Time was, however, when the babies had to start home. Taxis drove up, mothers collected small sons and daughters, and after handshakes and bob-curtseys and, “Thank you for the nice party. Miss Hartridge,” and
mere impudent laughter on the part of chubby babies, the cars drove away again, and the party was over.

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