Page 68 - 1920 Hartridge
P. 68

 A Chinese Dream
It was in the budding spring time, When the grass was growing green, That I ate a Chinese dinner.
And then dreamed a Chinese dream.
I found myself upon a road,
Just wide enough for two.
On a sign post by its side, I read:
“One mile to Hartridge Zoo.”
d'he keeper of the zoo came up. And asked to show me ’round;
We hastened on, and stopped before A little marble mound.
“There lies the little Beebe girl,’’ The keeper sadly said,
“ She talked so much and laughed so loud. That now, poor child, she’s dead.’’
“ Within the cell upon your left, A sad, sad case you see;
Nance and Anna bound and They fought so violently.’’
“ And then we come to poor Cat Fight,
A wild and reckless girl.
Her nerves broke down and she went insane
From the violent social whirl.’’

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