Page 13 - Pickleball LTPD_APRIL FINAL_v2
P. 13
Five More Holistic development of young athletes depends on a balanced
"S’s" in Youth approach to training, competition and recovery which lays a solid
foundation for each successive stage. Reference has already been
made to the original five “S’s” of physical development: Stamina
Development (endurance), Strength, Speed, Skill and Suppleness (flexibility). The
optimal development of these skills cannot occur without attention to
five more “S’s”: Structure/stature (body type and growth), pSychology,
Sustenance (adequate nutrition and rest), Schooling (or Stress), and
Sociocultural factors.
01 Structure/stature:
The tracking of stature as a guide to developmental
age allows planning to address the sensitive periods of
physical (endurance, strength, speed and flexibility) and
skill development. Diagnostics to identify strength and
weaknesses is critical to factor “structure” properly into
training plans.
02 pSychology:
Ultimately, the planning, implementing, and refining of
mental strategies for high-level competition will have a
large impact on podium performances. Consequently,
the mental training program is critical at all stages of
LTPD, as dealing with success and failure will determine
whether the athlete continues in the sport and physical
activity in general.