Page 18 - Pickleball LTPD_APRIL FINAL_v2
P. 18

Why Does Pickleball Need LTPD?

                As a consequence of a deficient system,                               •  Remedial programs needed by provincial and
                players may suffer:                                                      national team coaches, to counteract the

                •  Injury                                                                shortcomings of athlete preparation
                •  Poor movement skills                                               •  Fluctuating performance due to failure to follow a
                •  Lack of proper fitness                                                clear developmental pathway

                •  Poor skill development                                             •  Failure to reach optimal performance levels in
                •  Lack of confidence and motivation arising from                        international competitions
                    poor movement skill                                               •  Athletes fail to reach their genetic potential and
                •  Bad habits developed from over-competing                              optimal performance level

                    focussed on winning                                               •  Athletes leave sport and want nothing to do
                •  Undeveloped and unrefined skills due to under-                        with it later.
                •  Females not encouraged to participate due to                       Pickleball’s new Long-Term Player Development

                    sociocultural norms and/or lack of playing time in                framework is designed to address these issues.
                    facilities and programs                                           By introducing LTPD principles and building an
                •  Female athlete potential not reached due to                        integrated development system around them,
                    male oriented programs                                            we can achieve greater participation and more

                •  Children not having fun as they participate in                     competitive success.
                    adult-based programs
                •  No systematic development of the next
                    generation of national and international athletes

                •  Athletes pulled in different directions by school,
                    club, and provincial organizations because of the
                    structure of competition programs

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