Page 22 - Pickleball LTPD_APRIL FINAL_v2
P. 22

The Pickleball Long-Term Player Development Framework

              The following pages depict the journey through
              Pickleball, stage by stage, for players of all ages.
              They include the following headings:

              •  Stage name, age and years in sport;
              •  Overall objectives for the stage;
              •  Priorities, expressed as approximate
                 percentage of time spent on Fun, Form

                 (technical skill development), Fitness, Focus
                 (mental preparation) and Flow (integration of
                 abilities and development of “game sense” and
                 competition skills);

              •  Benchmarks for training duration (minutes per
                 session), training volume (sessions per week),
                 competition volume and type, and coaching
                 (relevant NCCP coach stream and context);

              •  Next stage in the framework, including optional
              •  Notes

              Remember that while every player must progress
              through every stage to reach the level to which
              they aspire, every player is also an individual. All
              abilities are always trainable. These objectives and

              benchmarks are guidelines for development, not
              a means to select or reject individual participants.

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