Page 26 - Pickleball LTPD_APRIL FINAL_v2
P. 26
Play to Win
Train to Train (after PHV, 2 to 8 sport years) – “Building Complete Players”
Build aerobic condition, develop speed and strength COMPETITIVE FOR LIFE OR ACTIVE FOR LIFE
towards the end of the stage, and further develop and Notes:
consolidate sport-specific skills. Emphasis on refining • A structured, periodized program with single or double
form and building fitness. periodization is recommended.
• Avoid using competition for selection. Compete for
PRIORITIES: development and learning- initial development of
focus skills.
Fun: 20%
• Reduce the number of other sports, but maintain
Form: 25% exposure to multiple disciplines for development and
future choice. Refine form.
Fitness: 35% • For young players, coaches must be aware of the
rapid changes to physical, emotional, and cognitive
Focus: 10%
abilities in this period and provide individual training
Flow: 10% approaches. Performance may decrease due to
these changes during puberty and post-puberty so
BENCHMARKS: additional support will be needed.
Training duration – Up to 120 minutes per session.
Training volume – Sport-specific training 3-5 times per
week including fitness training. Total approximately 8
hours per week including 2-3 hours of fitness training.
Competition – 5 to 6 local, 2 regional or provincial
competitions per year. Introduce 1-2 national or
international competitions at end of stage. 80%
training, 20% competition.
Coaching – Competition Stream: Introduction to