Page 29 - Pickleball LTPD_APRIL FINAL_v2
P. 29

Play for Life

               Adult Entry (any age after PHV, typically 30+; 0 to 4 sport years) – “Welcome to the Game”

               OBJECTIVES:                                                             NEXT STAGE: COMPETITIVE FOR LIFE OR

               Learn overall Pickleball skills.                                        ACTIVE FOR LIFE
               Emphasis on development of form.                                        Notes:
                                                                                       •  Participate in other activities and sports, as well as
               PRIORITIES:                                                                Pickleball to maintain skills and fitness.

               Fun:        40%                                                         •  Creation of a skills development “badge program”
                                                                                          would support this stage.
               Form:       40%                                                         •  Promote skill transfer from other sports
                                                                                          including racquet sports.
               Fitness:   20%                                                          •  Use standard court and equipment.
                                                                                       •  Competition is not a focus in this entry/development
               Focus:   0% - introduce as part of other activities.
                                                                                          phase, but fun and informal competition at local/club
               Flow:       0% - introduce as part of other activities.                    levels may be included.


               Training duration – Up to 90 minutes per session.

               Training volume – Specific training 3-4 times per
               week, may participate in other sports. Total Pickleball
               approximately 3 hours per week.

               Competition – Few, fun local/club competitions only;
               treat any competitions as practice.

               Coaching – (Community) Sport Initiation.

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