Page 28 - Pickleball LTPD_APRIL FINAL_v2
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Play to Win

               Train to Win (7+ sport years) – “Top of the World”

               OBJECTIVES:                                                             NEXT STAGE: COMPETITIVE FOR LIFE

               Optimize physical preparation, competition and                          OR ACTIVE FOR LIFE
               performance skills. Emphasis on perfecting focus                        Notes:
               and flow, maximizing ranking, and performance on                        •  Specialization in one discipline - indoor plus outdoor
               demand in top-level competitions.                                          training.
                                                                                       •  Year-round, high intensity training. Single or double
               PRIORITIES:                                                                periodization (2 x 24 weeks) recommended. Training
                                                                                          program focuses on fine-tuning strengths.
               Fun:        5%
                                                                                       •  Use functional analysis of flexibility and strength to
               Form:       15%                                                            develop a periodized strength training program as part
                                                                                          of training program. Focus on preventing or overcoming
               Fitness:   30%                                                             imbalances, core strength, specific strength and
               Focus:   25%
                                                                                       •  Integration of physical and mental training, expert-level

               Flow:       25%                                                            skills, and competition experience to achieve “flow”.
                                                                                       •  Increased number and level of competitions. Use some

               BENCHMARKS:                                                                competitions to model upcoming key competitions.
                                                                                       •  Train to peak for major competitions.
               Training duration – Up to 180 minutes per session.

               Training volume – Sport-specific technical, tactical
               and fitness training 5-10 times/week. Total 10-15+
               hours per week.

               Competition – As necessary and available. 70%
               training, 30% competition.

               Coaching – Competition Stream:
               Competition High Performance.

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