Page 33 - Pickleball LTPD_APRIL FINAL_v2
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                      Coaches  are  the  backbone  of  the                           and every coach must have a clear
                      sport system. Vital to the development                         understanding of LTPD principles.
                      of players at all stages, they  are                            Getting more and better coaching for
                      leaders and organizers in community                            Canadian players is an essential task
                      sport (Active Start to Learn to Train)                         for sport leaders.
                      and technical experts at provincial

                      and national levels (Train to Compete                          Pickleball is currently developing a
                      to Train to  Win). Coaches must have                           coach  education  program  consistent
                      the  expertise  to  identify  the  stage                       with the National Coaching Certification
                      of maturation of the player and                                Program (NCCP) with the expectation
                      the programs and systems to allow                              of NCCP approval. The following
                      that player to train and compete                               diagram shows the proposed Pickleball
                      appropriately to his or her potential. We                      “Coach Development Model” (CDM)
                      need more good coaches at all stages,                          in relation to the LTPD framework:

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