Page 36 - Pickleball LTPD_APRIL FINAL_v2
P. 36

Planning for Success- Activating LTPD

               This LTPD framework will help put Canadian Pickleball on course for the future, with more players enjoying

               the sport longer, and achieving more competitive success. However, no framework makes a difference until
               it is put into action.

               In the development of this framework, a number of key issues for Canadian Pickleball were identified. By
               taking the following steps, we can build a sport based on an integrated player development system which
               provides seamless support to all players from entry into the sport through to Active for Life.

               First priority: Coaching                                            Second priority: Leaders
               1.  Develop a Pickleball coach education program                    4.  Develop and deliver an expanded officials

                  which meets the standards of the National                            development program.
                  Coaching Certification Program, and apply for                    5.  Create more leadership training opportunities
                  NCCP approval of the program.                                        in cooperation with the provincial associations.
               2.  Increase the number of trained coaches                          6.  Host regular conferences and NSO-PSO

                  at all levels, and ensure they have a solid                          Presidents meetings to focus on development
                  understanding of LTPD.                                               issues and identify and recruit new leaders.
               3.  Improve communication and cooperation
                  between coaches. Hold annual coach training/

                  development seminars in each province,
                  and support coach development via outside
                  conferences (e.g. CAC Sport Leadership, Sport
                  for Life Summit).

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