Page 37 - Pickleball LTPD_APRIL FINAL_v2
P. 37
Planning for Success- Activating LTPD
Third priority: Organizations Fourth priority: Competitions
7. Integrate player development (i.e. the LTPD 9. Review and modify the format of competitions
framework) into all aspects of organization as needed to ensure appropriate progression for
such that Pickleball is truly “player centered”. all stages of player.
For example, consider how player development 10. Educate coaches on the appropriate use of
can be integrated into governance (e.g. different levels of competition to meet player
committee structures), strategic and operational development goals.
plans, budgets, policies and procedures.
11. Standardize stage-appropriate national and
8. Provide standardized policies, standards and provincial championship formats such that each
agreements on the Pickleball Canada web has a development consistent with the level/
site. Explore creation of Pickleball Canada-PSO stage of eligible players.
agreements to help coordinate efforts and
delineate clear responsibilities in the area of 12. Plan and develop modified competitions and
player development. formats accessible to players with a disability.
This should include not only wheelchair
Pickleball, but modified formats for players with
hearing, vision, and other forms of physical
disability. Develop a parallel program for players
with intellectual disability, e.g. Special Olympics.