Page 19 - Pickleball LTPD_APRIL FINAL_v2
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Why Does Pickleball Need LTPD?
To reach his or her potential and goals, a Of course, players are individuals. The LTPD
participant needs the right training and framework consists of guidelines, and coaches,
preparation, the right competitive opportunities, and sport leaders must be flexible in application
the right equipment, and the right nutrition, rest to ensure that LTPD enhances Pickleball as an
and regeneration…all at the right times. This Long- experience and a sport for all participants.
Term Player Development framework defines All players deserve individualized programs
guidelines for stage-by-stage development from and evaluation by a certified coach with an
entry into the sport, through to high performance understanding of Long-Term Player Development.
and/or active participation for life. Guidelines should never be used to select or
reject players from programs.
The LTPD model is a summary of key training and
performance goals for players. This framework It is our hope and expectation that, as a result of
assumes sufficient infrastructure and support developing and sharing this framework, leaders
is provided; in other words, without adequate will know how to make decisions that benefit the
coaching, proper competition opportunities, long-term development of players, coaches will
and other key elements, players cannot expect have a common guide for the design of annual
to meet all the training and performance goals plans and programs, and players will have the
in the LTPD model. To support our coaches and guidance and support they need to excel and to
players and achieve our goals for the sport, we participate for a lifetime.
must build an integrated, coordinated system
of support “from playground to podium” and to
lifelong involvement.