Page 42 - AHATA
P. 42

                                                                                                                           Thursday 26 april 2018

            Launch Project Recycling at University of Aruba

            ORANJESTAD - Making Aru-     The  project  enhances  bins  the campus.” The plan is to
            ba a Greener Environment  made  of  recycled  plastic.  engage students in this re-
            Club  (MAGEC)  launched  Catherina:  “We  wanted  cycling  project  and  make
            their Recycling Project yes-  to  implement  plastic  recy-  them  more  environmental
            terday  at  the  University  of  cling bins made from recy-  aware.
            Aruba. The project is an ini-  cled plastic. After creating
            tiative  in  conjunction  with  several  samples  we  came  Earth & Environment
            Plastic Beach Party. MAGEC  to  this  final  design.  These  Catherine  is  a  student  of
            Aruba is a non-profit orga-  bins consist of eight plates,  the  Academic  Foundation
            nization that strives towards  each  plate  consists  of  PET  Year,  a  one-year  certifi-  a  year  and  figure  out  my  vative ideas.
            a greener Aruba. This group  1,  like  plastic  bottles,  the  cate  program  that  equips   strength  and  capacities  Here   everyone’s   ideas
            is  open  to  all  who  wish  border around and the top  motivated  students  with     and  then  move  on  to  my  are valuable. We exist five
            to  help  create  a  greener  are plastic type 2, like bot-  the skills, tools and capabili-  further studies. But little that  months  now,  but  have  al-
            environment.     Catherine  tle caps. Each plate has an  ties to seek successful entry   I know I had in store for my-  ready  achieved  a  lot”,
            Carraha,    President   and  estimated  40  bottles  recy-  into  higher  education  pro-  self. It was at one of the lec-  Catherine  says  proud.  The
            Founder  of  MAGEC  enthu-   cled,  meaning  320  bottles  grams.  “Initially  I  was  very   tures that I got introduced  club  organized  a  Beach
            siastically  presented  the  in each bin. They are made  confused  about  what  to     to Earth & Environment and  Clean-up  with  more  than
            club’s achievement.          in  48  hours.  We  will  have  do with my future. I thought   I realized how concerned I  25  participants,  they  col-
                                         five  bins  available  here  at  to  attend  this  program  for   was  for  our  environment.  I  lected  200  kg  of  waste.
                                                                                                   got frustrated and hopeless  They worked together with
                                                                                                   though of what one single  Plastic  Beach  Party  during
                                                                                                   person could only do.” Her  carnival where plastic was
                                                                                                   professor  encouraged  her  collected  at  over  70  lots.
                                                                                                   with  the  words:  Find  like-  The biggest volunteer proj-
                                                                                                   minded  people  with  the  ect in the Dutch Kingdom,
                                                                                                   same  concern  and  host  Aruba  Doet,  collaborated
                                                                                                   your own beach clean-up.  with  MAGEC  to  create  an
                                                                                                   That is how it all started.   eatable garden at the uni-
                                                                                                                                versity.  Furthermore  they
                                                                                                   MAGEC-al                     volunteered   in   Ahata’s
                                                                                                   They  walk  around  in  the  camping  project  where
                                                                                                   same  T-shirts  during  the  they  learned  that  Arubans
                                                                                                   launch, the club members.  are  more  than  willing  to
                                                                                                   “But we are far more than  make an effort in being en-
                                                                                                   just  a  club.  We  are  fam-  vironmental  friendly.  “We
                                                                                                   ily.  A  student  organization  also  are  proud  we  have
                                                                                                   with equal concern for en-   one of us in the official Aha-
                                                                                                   vironment  and  an  amaz-    ta environmental board.”
                                                                                                   ing drive for any necessary
                                                                                                   task in front of us. We want  For   more    information
                                                                                                   Aruba  to  be  greener  and  please  visit  MAGEC  Aruba
                                                                                                   implement  new  and  inno-   at Facebook. q
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