Page 44 - AHATA
P. 44

                  Thursday 26 april 2018

            More than 15 different food

            options at Plaza Daniel Leo

            Food Truck Festival:

            it’s about food &

            entertainment for all

            ORANJESTAD  –  ‘Eat  Local  are:  Truck  di  Piet,  Poffer-
            Food  Truck  Festival’  is  on  tjes  van  Pofferdorie,  Nos
            for  coming  weekend.  In  Local Snack Truck, El Mexi-
            the heart of Oranjestad you  cano,  Skina  Crioyo  Truck,
            can enjoy local ambiance  The  Little  One/Hollywood
            and local food from a vari-  Smoke  House,  Ice  Cream
            ety of food trucks and en-   Truck,  Eataly,  Candela,
            tertainment. Don’t miss out  Burger Joint, Taki, D’abaru,
            on this event on Friday and  E Sushi Shap, Happy Appy’s
            Saturday night.              Shoarma & Patat, Robert’s
                                         Smoke Pit and Gellatisimo.
            Plaza  Daniel  Leo  and  sur-  For  drinks  they  present:
            roundings will be all about  Aged  Wine  Bar  and  Craft
            ‘Aruban     Vibes’   these  Beer Lovers.
            nights.  This  is  a  great  op-                          versity of Aruba. The profits  and  make  the  nights  run  Due to the ‘Eat Local Food
            portunity  to  taste  the  typi-  Besides  the  joy  of  eating   of this  will  go to the Blood  as smooth as possible, one  Truck Festival’ some streets
            cal Aruban and Caribbean  and  drinking,  the  festival   Bank Aruba. For the popu-    needs  to  purchase  tokens  close  to  Plaza  Daniel  Leo
            Street  Food.  After  a  suc-  offers  live  entertainment.   lar  local  traditional  game  to  buy  food  and  drinks.  will  be  (partly)closed  at
            cessful first try-out of this fes-  You can enjoy the beats of   Domino there is a separate  The tokens can be bought  April 27 and 28. These are:
            tival last year, it goes even  Jeremy  Bonnariba,  Sergio   area where visitors can play  at  forehand  at  Road  Side  Schelpstraat   /   Emmas-
            bigger  this  year  with  more  & The Short Cuts, Jersy So-  this game at leisure or even  Café  (at  Linear  Park)  from  traat  /  Klipstraat  and  Ha-
            than  ten  Food  Trucks  and  fia, Xavi & Rhea, Lily Rodg-  in  competitions.  Aruhiba  5  PM  on  at  Friday.  Each  venstraat.  Also  Saturday
            other food offerings.        ers  and  Mirugia  de  Cuba.   offers the lovers of a good  token  costs  Florin  2,  50.  Arutram will not be able to
                                         For the little ones there is an   Cigar a nice selection.  Naturally they can also be  drive the tram because of
            The participants at the Eat  interactive  Kids  Corner  in                             bought at the festival itself,  the festivals preparations.
            Local  Food  Truck  Festival  cooperation  with  the  Uni-  To  prevent  waiting  lines  either  cash  or  with  debit
                                                                                                   card.  The  entrance  to  the  You  are  all  invited  to  this
                                                                                                   festival is free.            great  celebration  of  our
                                                                                                                                King’s birthday-weekend!q
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