P. 22

A22     SportS
                Monday 30 october 2017
            Earnhardt interested in penning book on concussion recovery

            By JENNA FRYER                                                                                                      and  my  experiences  last
            AP Auto Racing Writer                                                                                               year trying to get well and
            MARTINSVILLE,  Va.  (AP)  —                                                                                         then  coming  back  and
            Dale  Earnhardt  Jr.’s  to-do                                                                                       running  this  final  season,”
            list  during  retirement  con-                                                                                      Earnhardt  said.  “I  think  it’s
            tinues  to  grow.  NASCAR’s                                                                                         a bit assuming to think that
            most  popular  driver  is  in-                                                                                      well  you  just  write  a  book
            terested  in  writing  a  book                                                                                      anytime you want or about
            about  his  recovery  from                                                                                          anything,  but  I  think  that
            multiple concussions.                                                                                               would be a good read.
            Earnhardt  has  four  races                                                                                         “There is a little bit deeper
            left  before  he  retires  from                                                                                     that  the  story  goes  that
            full-time competition.                                                                                              I  think  people  would  be
            He’ll  compete  Sunday  at                                                                                          interested  in,  and  the  in-
            Martinsville    Speedway,                                                                                           terest  for  me  there  is  if  it
            which  donated  $10,000                                                                                             would help someone going
            to  Patrick  Henry  Commu-                                                                                          through  the  same  experi-
            nity  College  to  start  the                                                                                       ence that I went through.”
            Dale  Earnhardt  Jr.  Honor-                                                                                        Earnhardt is quickly filling his
            ary Scholarship Motorsports                                                                                         schedule  for  next  year,  his
            program.                                                                                                            first in retirement.
            This  scholarship  is  to  help                                                                                     He  and  wife  Amy  are  ex-
            students  at  the  college   Dale Earnhardt Jr. waits for a NASCAR Cup Series auto race at Kansas Speedway in Kansas City,   pecting  their  first  child,  a
            who  are  in  the  PHCC  mo-  Kan., Sunday, Oct. 22, 2017.                                                          daughter,  and  he’s  com-
            torsports  program  further                                                                       Associated Press  mitted as an analyst to NBC
            their  education  and  ulti-  $100,000  to  establish  the  noted  that  he’d  done  Earnhardt  missed  the  sec-   Sports  for  the  second  half
            mately  reach  their  goals  Dale  Earnhardt  Jr.  Con-   “Driver  No.  8”  with  author  ond half of last season be-  of the season.
            of  working  in  motorsports.  cussion  Research  Fund  at  Jade Gurss that chronicled  cause of concussion symp-   Earnhardt  also  has  races
            Earnhardt has asked tracks  the  Carolinas  Healthcare  his meteoric rise to fame as  toms, and he’s said he will  scheduled in the Xfinity Se-
            to make his retirement gifts  System’s  Levine  Children’s  a rookie.                  donate his brain to science  ries for JR Motorsports.
            impactful gestures for local  Hospital in Charlotte.      Now,  his  main  interest  for  concussion-related  re-   He’s  promised  to  continue
            communities.                 Asked  Saturday  if  he  con-  would be in helping others  search.                     his work as an ambassador
            Charlotte Motor Speedway  sidered  writing  a  book  who  have  suffered  head  “I have interest in writing a  for NASCAR past his driving
            earlier this month donated  about his career, Earnhardt  injuries.                     book  about  my  recovery  days.q
              Martinsville                                                                         was  not  intentional  the  bump Busch out of his way
                                                                                                   way it turned out but I am  to  grab  the  automatic
                                                                                                   responsible for my own car  berth.
                                                                                                   and take blame. Nothing I  “I don’t know that I would
              Continued from Page 18
                                                                                                   say now can turn back the  have done anything differ-
                                                                                                   clock.”                     ently,”  Truex  said.  “I  think
              “There  was  kind  of  chaos
              ensuing and none of it was                                                           Hamlin  faded  to  seventh  we can get to Homestead
              our  fault,  we  just  came                                                          after  Busch  bumped  him  without  making  too  many
              out on the right end of the                                                          for the win.                enemies.  We’ll  let  every-
              stick.”                                                                              “That  was  our  chance  to  body  else  fight  and  we’ll
              Keselowski  was  in  position                                                        move    to   Homestead,”  try to do our own thing.”
              to win when Joey Logano                                                              Busch shrugged.             Clint  Bowyer,  not  eligible
              developed  a  tire  problem                                                          Keselowski   wound     up  for  the  playoffs,  finished
              with about 10 laps remain-                                                           fourth  in  a  race  his  team  third.  Kevin  Harvick  was
              ing  in  regulation.  Had  his                                                       believed he had to win.     fifth in a Ford, Ryan Blaney
              Team  Penske  teammate     Kyle  Busch,  center,  celebrates  under  the  lights  after  winning   Instead,  he  was  simply  eighth for the Wood Broth-
              pitted  under  green  to  fix  the NASCAR Cup series auto race at Martinsville Speedway in   darting  his  way  around  a  ers of nearby Stuart, Virgin-
              the  tire,  Keselowski  likely  Martinsville, Va., Sunday, Oct. 29, 2017.            huge  pileup  on  the  final  ia,  and  the  manufacturer
              would  have  coasted  to                                            Associated Press  lap  that  ended  an  emo-  placed six drivers in the top
              the  win  and  earned  the  race  winner  to  27th,  low-  nity to go straight to Home-  tional opening race of the  10. Dale Earnhardt Jr. was
              spot in the finale.         est of the eight remaining  stead and because of him     third round of the playoffs.  the highest-finishing Chev-
              Instead, Logano spun and  playoff drivers.              we don’t.”                   “Yeah,  everybody  is  just  rolet driver in 11th and was
              brought out a caution.      “My  mom  always  said  if  Elliott could repeatedly be   desperate,”    Keselowski  dumbfounded by the last-
              Keselowski was moved out  you  don’t  have  anything  seen saying ‘You wrecked       said. Martin Truex Jr. wound  lap chaos.
              of  the  way  by  Elliott  after  nice to say, don’t say any-  me,’  to  Hamlin  as  the   up second in a 1-2 sweep  “Man, I can’t believe how
              a restart, and Hamlin then  thing  at  all,”  Elliott  said.  crowd roared its approval   for Toyota, which has won  everybody crossed the fin-
              spun Elliott out of the lead  “He’s  not  worth  my  time.  over the tension. Hamlin at   six of the seven playoff rac-  ish  line.    I  ain’t  seen  noth-
              with two laps remaining in  I  got  punted  from  behind  first  defended  his  actions   es.  Truex  and  Busch  have  ing like that, I ain’t seen it,
              regulation. Elliott wrecked,  and  wrecked  in  Turn  3  because of the stakes, but   won  three  playoff  races  I don’t know if I ever have
              chased  Hamlin  down  on  leading  the  race.  I  don’t  later  apologized  to  Elliott   each,   while   Keselowski  seen  it,”  Earnhardt  said.
              the cool-down lap to show  know  what  his  problem  on social media.                won in the second round.    “There  was  a  wreck  one
              his  displeasure,  and  the  was.  It  was  unnecessary  “I’ve  raced  nearly  10,000   The  favorite  to  win  the  time  at  Richmond  before
              drivers  had  a  heated  ex-  and  I  hadn’t  raced  him  races since I was 7. Today   title, Truex said he is confi-  they ever reconfigured it in
              change after they climbed  dirty all day long.          was the first time I ever spun   dent enough he will make  the Xfinity race on the front
              from their cars.            “We had the best car I’ve  out  the  leader,”  Hamlin    it to next month’s finale at  straightaway in like 1982 —
              It  was  a  disastrous  result  ever  had  here  at  Martins-  wrote  on  Twitter.  “I  regret   Homestead-Miami  Speed-  that is the only thing I ever
              for Elliott — from potential  ville, and had an opportu-  the  outcome  because  it   way  without  having  to  seen like it. Crazy finish.” q
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