P. 25

BUSINESS                 Monday 30 october 2017

            Hard to define America’s middle class, courted by both sides

             By MARCY GORDON             the theme constantly. “We  and  Presidential  Studies  at  The   middle-class   family   acknowledged, though, “It
             AP Business Writer          will cut taxes for hard-work-  American  University.  “Be-  could take advantage of a   could be that a singular ex-
             WASHINGTON (AP) — What  ing,  middle-class  families,”  cause  of  the  burden  of  heftier child tax credit and   ception exists.”
             is middle class?            he pledges. “It is time to ig-  governing,  they  (the  Re-  the extra money that could   But  mainly  Brady’s  an-
             President  Donald  Trump  nite America’s middle-class  publicans) have a problem  come from the bigger stan-       swer  was  stay  tuned:  The
             and  Republican  leaders                                                                                           proposed  income  levels
             are promoting their tax-cut-                                                                                       to  correspond  with  each
             ting  plan  as  needed  relief                                                                                     tax  bracket  will  soon  be
             for  the  stressed  American                                                                                       revealed.  That’s  where
             middle class and a catalyst                                                                                        the math comes in. Under
             for job creation.                                                                                                  the current regime of sev-
             Democrats    say   they’re                                                                                         en  brackets,  the  biggest
             the  ones  looking  out  for                                                                                       group  of  U.S.  taxpayers
             the  middle  class,  by  fight-                                                                                    (about  30  percent)  falls  in
             ing  against  proposed  tax                                                                                        the  second-lowest  brack-
             cuts  that  would  benefit                                                                                         et, paying a 15 percent tax
             big  companies  and  the                                                                                           rate. An individual with tax-
             wealthy  but  hurt  the  av-                                                                                       able  annual  income  be-
             erage  American.  It’s  not                                                                                        tween  $9,325  and  $37,950
             easy  to  exactly  define  this                                                                                    is  in  that  group.  Because
             middle class, whose mem-                                                                                           it’s the largest group, some
             bers are championed and                                                                                            might consider it as stand-
             courted  for  their  votes  by                                                                                     ing in for the middle class.
             both   sides.   Lawmakers                                                                                          Some critics of the Republi-
             and experts have differing                                                                                         can plan say that because
             views on the numbers.                                                                                              it  would  eliminate  the  15
             The  Tax  Policy  Center  sets                                                                                     percent  bracket,  some
             its “middle quintile” — third                                                                                      people    who’ve     been
             slice of five — of household                                                                                       taxed at 15 percent could
             income,  including  tax-ex-                                                                                        be  pushed  into  the  next
             empt  employee  benefits     In this Oct. 26, 2017, photo, House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady, R-Texas,   higher bracket, 25 percent.
             like  health  insurance,  at   whose panel is charged with writing tax law, talks to reporters on Capitol Hill in Washington.   That’s not yet known, says
                                                                                                               Associated Press
             $48,300  to  $85,600  a  year.                                                                                     Daniel  Berger,  a  research
             But  be  careful  about  call-  miracle once again.”     having  an  effective  mes-  dard deduction.              associate at the Tax Policy
             ing that middle class, it says  To  fill  middle-class  stock-  saging system.”       But  there  are  too  many   Center,  a  joint  project  of
             — there’s no formal defini-  pots,  Trump  is  promising  For  the  opposition  Demo-  holes  in  the  spare  nine-  the Urban Institute and the
             tion. Other experts see the  that  the  tax  cuts  would  crats,  on  the  other  hand,  page plan, like the income   Brookings Institution.q
             middle-income  range  at  bring  a  $4,000  or  $5,000  “It’s easier to have a clear  levels  tied  to  each  tax
             around  $44,000  to  $72,000  pay  raise  annually  for  the  message here that the tax  bracket  and  what  might
             (middle quintile), or $72,000  average  family.  Skeptical  plan  would  hurt  the  mid-  happen  to  other  deduc-
             to $112,000 (fourth quintile,  tax experts and Democrats  dle  class  and  the  working  tions  used  by  middle-class
             both based on 2015 data).   say  the  claim  is  based  on  class,” Thurber suggested.  people, to know how it ac-
             At the high end, Hillary Clin-  fuzzy math.              The  nearly  $6  trillion  tax  tually would affect individ-
             ton  and  President  Barack  Pro-tax  cut  troops  have  plan  calls  for  cutting  the  ual taxpayers and families.
             Obama,  as  candidates,  fanned out to middle-class  corporate tax rate from 36  A  chief  architect  of  the
             defined  middle  class  as  neighborhoods around the  percent  to  20  percent,  re-  plan,  House  Ways  and
             earning  up  to  $250,000  a  country with a message to  duced  taxes  for  most  indi-  Means  Committee  Chair-
             year. That raised eyebrows  voters  on  their  doorsteps:  viduals,  and  doubling  the  man  Rep.  Kevin  Brady,
             because  it’s  in  about  the  slashing  taxes  for  corpo-  standard  deduction  used  was  pressed  by  reporters
             top  5  percent  of  incomes,  rations  would  unleash  an  by  most  average  Ameri-  this  past  week:  Will  it  truly
             and  the  two  Democrats  economic  bonanza.  The  cans to $12,000 for individu-      help the middle class? Can
             had  pledged  not  to  raise  resulting  new  jobs,  faster  als and $24,000 for families.  the  Republicans  guaran-
             taxes on the middle class.  growth  and  ample  pay  The number of tax brackets  tee  that  everyone  will  get
             The  median,  or  midpoint,  raises  would  help  them  would shrink from seven to  a  break,  that  no  ordinary
             U.S. household income was  and everyone else, the resi-  three  or  four,  with  respec-  person  will  end  up  paying
             $57,617  last  year,  accord-  dents are told.           tive tax rates of 12 percent,  more?
             ing to the Census Bureau.   “That  sort  of  trickle-down  25 percent, 35 percent and  “The  elevator  goes  down
             Trump,  in  his  rallying  pitch-  ... is a very hard message,”  to  be  determined.  Inheri-  at every (income) level. ...
             es  for  the  far-reaching  tax  says  James  Thurber,  pro-  tance taxes on multimillion-  I  can  guarantee  that  ev-
             overhaul  that  is  his  main  fessor  and  founder  of  the  dollar estates would be re-  ery American will be better
             legislative  priority,  sounds  Center  for  Congressional  pealed.                   off,” said Brady, R-Texas. He
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