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Monday national
October 5, 2020 pet
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Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper
A r u b a ’ s O N L Y E n g l i s h n e w s p a p e r
Trump's doctor's comments on symptoms, care spark confusion
For the second day in a
row, the Navy commander
in charge of President Don-
ald Trump's care left the
world wondering: Just how
sick is the president?
Dr. Sean Conley is trained in
emergency medicine, not
infectious disease, but he
has a long list of specialists
helping determine Trump's
treatment at Walter Reed
National Military Medical
Conley said Sunday that
Trump is doing well enough
that he might be sent back
to the White House in an-
other day -- even as he an-
nounced the president was
given a steroid drug that's
only recommended for the
very sick.
Worse, steroids like dexam-
ethasone tamp down im-
portant immune cells, rais-
ing concern about whether
the treatment choice might
hamper the ability of the
president's body to fight Dr. Sean Conley, physician to President Donald Trump, and other doctors, arrive to brief reporters at Walter Reed National Military
the virus. Medical Center in Bethesda, Md., Sunday, Oct. 4, 2020.
Then there's the question Associated Press
of public trust: Conley ac-
knowledged that that he briefing of the weekend necessarily true." had been given any oxy- Friday morning.
had tried to present a rosy "and in doing so, came In fact, Conley refused to gen -- only to admit the It's puzzling even for outside
description of the presi- off like we're trying to hide directly answer on Satur- next day that he had or- specialists.
dent's condition in his first something, which wasn't day whether the president dered oxygen for Trump on Continued on next page