Page 3 - ATA
P. 3
Saturday 5 September 2015
Distinguished Visitors Honored at Renaissance Ocean Suites
ORANJESTAD - Recently presented at the ceremo-
the Aruba Tourism Au- ny and handed out some
thority honored Mr. Frank gifts to the honorees and
Di Tomasso and Jo Ann also thanked them on be-
Kisielewski as Distinguished half of Renaissance Ocean
Visitors of Aruba as a token Suites.q
of appreciation for visiting
the island for over 10 years
Ms. Darline de Cuba rep-
resenting the Aruba Tour-
ism Authority, Visitors Care
Liaison, bestowed the cer-
tificate of Distinguished
Visitors to the honorees on
behalf of the Government
of Aruba.
Ms. D. De Cuba thanked
them for choosing Aruba
as their vacation destina-
tion and as their ‘home
away from home’ for so
many years.
Frank & Jo-Ann, resident
of Staten Island, New York,
stated that the main rea-
sons for returning to Aruba
were the weather, the res-
taurants, safety and most
of all the people.
Mr. Tino Daal from the Ac-
tivities Department was