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LOCALSaturday 5 September 2015

Distinguished Visitors Honored by Aruba Tourism Authority!

ORANJESTAD - Recently      and Mrs. Barbara Timcoe,      tors of Aruba as a token      behalf of the Government    for returning to Aruba were
the Aruba Tourism Author-  residents of Peekskill, New   of appreciation for visiting  of Aruba.                   the weather, the restau-
ity honored Mr. Michael    York, as Distinguished Visi-  the island for over 10 years  Ms. D. De Cuba thanked      rants, safety and most of
                                                         consecutive.                  them for choosing Aruba     all the friendly people, and
                                                         Ms. Darline S. de Cuba rep-   as their vacation destina-  because the staff at La
                                                         resenting the Aruba Tour-     tion and as their ‘home     Quinta are so excellent.
                                                         ism Authority, Visitors Care  away from home’ for so      Congratulations to Family
                                                         Liaison, bestowed the cer-    many years.                 Timcoe, you hold a spe-
                                                         tificate of Distinguished     Michael and Barbara stat-   cial place in the hearts of
                                                         Visitors to the honorees on   ed that the main reasons    Arubans.q
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