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P. 12


WORLD NEWSMonday 26 October 2015

At Press Time:

  Polarized Haiti votes in tense presidential election 

Electoral officials, right, try to calm a voter who says his name is not on the voters list during elec-                      70 arrests. Officials had no   Whoever wins the almost
tions in the Petion-Ville suburb of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Sunday, Oct. 25, 2015. The country is hold-                        immediate estimate of na-      inevitable Dec. 27 presi-
ing the first-round presidential vote Sunday along with balloting for numerous legislative races                              tional voter turnout.          dential runoff will face nu-
and local offices.                                                                                                            Celso Amorim, chief of the     merous challenges, includ-
                                                                                                                              Organization of American       ing spurring Haiti’s chroni-
                                                                                                 (AP Photo/Ricardo Arduengo)  States’ 125-member ob-         cally sputtering economy
                                                                                                                              server mission, offered few    and weaning it off depen-
DAVID McFADDEN                 and contradictory, and no     plained Varnel Polycard, a                                       specifics as polls closed but  dence on foreign aid do-
DANICA COTO                    election results were ex-     vendor of phone chargers                                         said Haiti appeared to be      nors, who are largely fund-
Associated Press               pected for at least 10 days.  who walked away fuming.                                          “moving in the right direc-    ing this year’s roughly $70
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP)     Voting was relatively order-  Each of Haiti’s more than                                        tion.”                         million three-round elector-
— Haitians faced lengthy       ly across the nation of some  120 parties was allowed                                          While the gritty district of   al process.
ballots featuring 54 presi-    10 million people, although   to send monitors to poll-                                        Cite Soleil suffered from      Among the best-known
dential hopefuls and a slew    there was some confusion      ing places, where they got                                       pre-election violence, it      names on the presidential
of legislative and munici-     and logistical problems.      their own voting done ear-                                       appeared to have the           ballot was Jude Celestin, a
pal candidates Sunday as       At a voting center in Port-   ly. At a polling center in the                                   busiest voting center in the   former head of the state-
they selected leaders they     au-Prince’s Martissant slum,  Petionville suburb of Port-                                      Port-au-Prince area.           run construction company
hope can lift the nation out   an elections supervisor re-   au-Prince, monitors shoved                                       “Nothing can scare me          who was the government-
of chronic poverty and tur-    peatedly yelled at dozens     one another in a voting line                                     from trying to see my coun-    backed candidate in the
bulence.                       of people trying to force     and masked police gave                                           try develop and see if         2010 race. That time, he
The presidential field was     their way in. “No voting two  the unruliest partisans in line                                  Haiti can get better for my    was eliminated from a
so crowded and confusing       times!” People shouted        short zaps with a Taser.                                         grandchildren,” Rosianne       runoff after his reported
that there was little clarity  back that they were be-       But balloting was generally                                      Jean said after casting her    second-place finish was
about who might be lead-       ing prevented from voting     tranquil in many parts of                                        votes at a school in the       challenged by foreign ob-
ing as voting wrapped up       once.                         the country, though there                                        deeply poor area of shacks     servers who complained of
in late afternoon. Pre-elec-   “I’m here to vote, and they   were sporadic reports of                                         and garbage-lined canals.      irregularities.
tion polls were unreliable     are trying to stop me,” com-  irregularities and roughly                                       The continuing appeal          Others included outgoing
                                                                                                                              of former President Jean-      President Michel Martelly’s
                                                                                                                              Bertrand Aristide was on       pick, Jovenel Moise, a po-
                                                                                                                              display as over 1,500 peo-     litical newcomer who has
                                                                                                                              ple greeted him when he        called for restoration of
                                                                                                                              arrived at a voting cen-       Haiti’s army and pledges
                                                                                                                              ter near his home, many        to expand the agriculture
                                                                                                                              chanting “Aristide is our      sector, and Jean-Charles,
                                                                                                                              blood.” The former leader      a sharp critic of Martelly
                                                                                                                              has mostly been living qui-    who brands himself the
                                                                                                                              etly since returning to Haiti  voice for Haiti’s poor and
                                                                                                                              after seven years in exile     disenfranchised.
                                                                                                                              following his 2004 ouster but  It is more than 5½ years
                                                                                                                              has lately urged support for   since Haiti suffered an
                                                                                                                              the candidate of the party     earthquake that was one
                                                                                                                              he founded decades ago,        of the worst natural di-
                                                                                                                              Fanmi Lavalas.                 sasters of modern times.
                                                                                                                              He accompanied party           Roughly 5.8 million voters
                                                                                                                              candidate Maryse Narcisse      registered to cast ballots
                                                                                                                              to vote, but some Aristide     for the next president, 129
                                                                                                                              loyalists in the crowd said    lawmakers and a slew of
                                                                                                                              they were backing ex-Sen.      local offices.
                                                                                                                              Moise Jean-Charles.
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