Page 7 - Aruba Today
P. 7
Monday 26 October 2015
Airbnb battles hostile ballot measure in San Francisco
(102-square-meter) house Sen. Dianne Feinstein in fa- ment’s resident also stays
in which a mummified vor and Mayor Ed Lee and there, but people do
corpse was found earlier California Lt. Gov. Gavin anyway. In May, the city
this year sold for more than Newsom opposed. Fein- council of Santa Monica,
$1.5 million. “This is definitely stein and Newsom are for- California, legalized home
a fight that’s representative mer San Francisco mayors. sharing — the rental of an
of the anxiety that exists Cities large and small extra room or couch — but
here due to an economy around the world are trying banned un-hosted rentals
that’s been so dynamic,” to balance home-sharing’s for less than 30 days.
said Sam Lauter, a San popularity with livability for San Francisco had prohib-
Francisco lobbyist not affili- residents. ited rentals of less than 30
ated with the measure. In New York City, it’s gen- days, but in February ap-
The measure has deeply erally unlawful to rent an proved an ordinance to
divided the city’s Demo- apartment for less than legalize and regulate the
cratic leadership, with U.S. 30 days unless the apart- practice. q
Michael Rouppet poses for photos outside of the home he was
evicted from in San Francisco. Travelers worldwide love using
Airbnb to book vacation stays in San Francisco, but some in the
city where the company was founded are decidedly less affec-
tionate, backing a Nov. 3 ballot measure that would limit how
long a private home can be rented out.
(AP Photo/Jeff Chiu)
JANIE HAR housing, adding to the
Associated Press city’s unaffordability and
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — destroying what makes San
Travelers worldwide may Francisco neighborhoods
love using Airbnb to book unique.
vacation stays, but the Landlords, they say, have a
company that revolution- financial incentive to rent
ized home-sharing faces short-term rather than take
a hostile ballot measure in on long-term tenants, espe-
the city where it was found- cially in popular neighbor-
ed. Proposition F on the hoods such as the Mission
Nov. 3 San Francisco ballot District. Proponents have
would limit short-term rent- reported raising $350,000.
als to 75 days a year and Airbnb and other oppo-
require hosting companies nents argue the measure
such as Airbnb to yank list- will pit neighbor against
ings that violate the limit. neighbor and drive out
The city would be required residents who can stay in
to notify neighbors when the city only by sharing
a person registers to host. their homes short-term. Ads
The measure would enable feature warm shots of hap-
pricey lawsuit damages py families — supposedly
against violators, including home-sharers — as well as
the hosting platform. Cur- cartoons of an elderly man
rent city law limits un-host- snooping on his neighbors
ed rentals to 90 days. There and calling a “snitch hot-
are no limits on hosted rent- line.”
als. Both sides say they are
Airbnb, by far the largest fighting for the soul of San
home-share platform in Francisco, a diverse place
the city and in the world, that is now a national sym-
has donated $8 million and bol of income inequality
counting to defeat the amid sky-high housing costs
proposed ordinance. It has driven in part by a technol-
saturated television with ogy boom.
ads. A one-bedroom without
Backers of the measure say parking rents for over $3,000
the demand for vacation a month. In September, a
stays is sucking up scarce decrepit 1,100-square-foot